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As he dressed herself wondering if this would be last time to go lay eyes on her husband. She was intentional about not telling her husband of her arrival.

Would she make it out alive? Or would she lose her life?

She had no idea. Yet one thing was certain in the depths of her heart, the answer to a life changing question, “And who knows whether you have come to a royal position for such a time as this?”

She knew. She knew her time to bring salvation to her people was now! Queen Esther dressed herself with royal robes and stepped into the king’s courts with an assurance in her heart and a yes in her spirit. The time is now. Although she stepped into the king’s courts alone, that was far from the reality she was walking in.

She was joined by a multitude of people who were fasting for that very moment.

Like Esther, I also know, this time is my time.

The time to bring good news to the afflicted.

The time to bind up the brokenhearted.

The time to set the captives.

The time to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.

The time to comfort the woman in mourning.

The time to bring beauty for ashes.

Would you be part of the people who join me as I continue my Father’s leading in bringing freedom to women around the world?

This year the lives of many women were changed and transformed in Guatemala, Thailand, Cuba and the Philippines.

At this moment, I find myself in Uganda with our Kingdom Journeys women’s team. We have walked the team through two and half weeks of intensive training. We are arrived yesterday with our bags packed and our hearts filled with much excitement and expectancy to see freedom spring up among the group of women we will meet. The journey has just begun!

Like Esther, together we will be part of the Lord’s moving…setting women free,one story at a time.

Would you join me?


One response to “The time to…”

  1. LOVE that message and favorite scripture reference! Praying for your Kingdom Adventure to bring about HIS eternal Kingdom!!